Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Input and Output

Input is any data and instructions entered into the memory of a computer. People have a variety of options for entering input into a computer. Data is a collection of unprocessed text, numbers, images, audio and video. Once data is in memory, the computer interprets and executes instructions to process the data into information. Instructions entered into the computer can be in the form of programs, commands and user responds.
An input device is any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer. Depending on the application and your particular requirement, the input device selected may vary.
The following are the examples of some of the input
1. Keyboard and pointing devices
2. Gaming and media player controllers
3. Voice Input
4. Input for PDAs, Smart Phones and Tablet PCs
5. Video Input

Output is data that has been processed into a useful form. That is, computers process data (input) into information (output). A computer generates several types of output, depending on the hardware and software being used and the requirements of the user.
Users view or watch output on a screen, print it or hear it through speakers, headphones, or earphones. Monitors, notebook computers, Tablet PCs, portable media players, PDAs, and smart phones have screens that allow users to view documents, Web sites, e-mail messages, pictures, videos, movies and other types of output. Some printers produce black-and-white documents and others produce brilliant colors, enabling users to print color documents, photographs and transparencies. Through the computer’s speakers, headphones or earphones, users listen to sounds, music, and voice messages.
While working with a computer, a user encounters four basic categories of output: text, graphics, audio and video. Very often, a single form of output, such as Web page, includes more than one of these catrgories.


yana said...

i thought i was the only person who didn't do yet the diff of app software n system software... ada jgk yg lg PEMALAS!! hahaha. nway yana br je siapkan.... hee. =P

haajar said...

good point ha.....
keep it out....

melur. said...

mcm no komen.
but nice work.
u did it last minute aite mate?

FIQA_90 said...

nice elaboration!
really informative..
keep it up!=)

Mohamad Hazim Bin Khalid said...

Hey you!!!!!!I think you should put some figures in order to make the article more interesting&for better understanding.You must visit my blog or you will feel regret.....>Ni mesti teringat kat H***Q nih..

farahwahida said...

pjg nye essay ko..
x leh pjg lg ker???

bella said...

wah, agk pnjg r..

- abdul hadi abdul muti - said...

i think you can put some images

j said...

very though to give any comment...
huge fans hah!!
comment me back
if not.....

abbad said...

to yana:
at least siap kan jgk
to hajar:
to mean:
no komen??
tp stil komen

last mnit?
sir x minx pn lg smpai skrg
so x last minit la
to fiqa:
thnx pka!!
to hazim:
siyesly ur blog mmg besh
tp who's dat H!@$# 2??
to farah n nabila:
pnjg2 la bgs
aku taw korg rjin bc
to adi:
nnt aku ltk
tp aku x taw nk ltk mcm maner
to liyanara:
ok2 nnt i komen u pnye k